The Eight Most Common Types of Video Marketing


I want to emphasize the fact that the keyword in video marketing is, “Value.” If your videos are not valuable it won’t work. If it’s just a pitch fest, and all you do is get in front of the camera and talk about how great you are and how great your product is, people will be turned off. You need to get in front of the camera and demonstrate value by helping people. Show people how to do something, or tell them what makes the world go round, or express something that they’ve never thought of before.

If you’re an entertainer, then get in front of the camera and be entertaining. If you’re instructive then be instructive. Help people. Make sure that it’s valuable content that you’re giving and adding to people’s lives, so that your videos are watched, so that they get shared, so that people like it.

Did you know that Google looks at the likes and dislikes that people click on your YouTube videos? You want people to like them and you want people to share them.

So. What is the keyword for video marketing? 
Hint. It’s “Value”

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The above image is a how-to video by my marketing friend Darrell Eves. He creates lots of tutorials on how to do YouTube marketing and he’s got quite a following. His videos get lots of likes and a lot of views. He does such a good job of adding value, It makes people want to watch his videos.

What are some types of videos that you can begin producing for your business?

  • The Elevator Pitch
    Well number one, you can get in front of the camera and just give your elevator pitch. In other words, you can take like, 60-seconds and tell who you are, what you do, and how to contact you.
  • The Longer Pitch
    In addition to your elevator pitch, you can take a three minute pitch and tell a little bit more about what sets you apart from your competition. Here is how to do that. Just get in front of your camera or webcam, and do your little pitch and basically just tell people who you are, what you do, why you’re different, and how they can get a hold of you or learn more about you.
  • How To Videos
    Another kind of video that’s very, very useful and popular is how-to videos. So either you get in front of a camera and demonstrate how to do it, such as how to make a smoothie, or you share your screen and record it showing with your mouse exactly how to do something. So how-to videos and how-to tutorials are a very good way to demonstrate your expertise and show people that you know what you’re talking about. This is a great way to help people with valuable video content.
  • Testimonials
    You can use YouTube videos to capture your happy customers on camera telling how much they appreciate working for you. Testimonials is a great way to use video in your digital marketing.


  • Product Demonstrations
    Another one is product descriptions and demonstrations of your products. You can just give a walk-through of your products and say you know, “Here is feature A, and here’s feature B and here’s feature C, and you get all of this when you buy this product.” You can demonstrate it and say, “This is how it works. You open this, and you put in this, and you do that and, these are results, guaranteed.” That’s it. Just get in front of you camera and do that.
  • Team Introductions
    Another thing you can do is introduce your team. You can walk into your office and say, “Here is Susie. Susie likes cats and so on.” I mean, who else introduces their team? Set your business apart from your competition.
  • FAQs
    Another killer kind of video marketing is FAQs,  (frequently asked questions). This is great, you know. Especially if you’ve been in business long enough, you start to know what kinds of questions people are asking.Here is how to do it:1.  Compile a list of those FAQ questions.
    2.  Start making videos that answers each question.
    3.  Make the title of each video a question
    4.  In the video, say, “In this video, we are going to answer this question…” And then answer the question.
    5.  Give a call to action at the end of the video.
    6.  Put the videos on YouTube.
    7.  Embed the YouTube videos on a FAQ page on your websiteFrequently asked questions are a great, great, great way to get started using video. If, like I said, you’ve been in business for a while, you can easily come up with five to ten frequently asked questions write away. You can write them down, get in front of the camera, and answer them. Then presto, you’ve got 10 videos, published on YouTube linking to you, making it powerful for your business.
  • Business Tour
    And then the last thing that you could do is a tour of your business. Just take your camera and walk through your office. Say something like this… “This is our warehouse and um, this is where things happen. This is me out on the job. This is how I interact with my customer…” Just get your newest employee to hold the camera, then you get in front of it and take people on a tour. People appreciate the genuineness of you getting in front of the camera and being real. The possibilities are endless.Remember, you do not have to be a Hollywood performer, or a Hollywood actor. You don’t have to have a makeup artist. Just get in front of the camera and be yourself. Tell people what you do, show them how you do it, demonstrate your products, get some testimonials, introduce your team, have a list of frequently asked questions, give them a tour of your business, and before long you will have a whole library full of videos doing powerful things for your business.

I don’t know what you are going to do with this, but I encourage you to take action today and get in front of your web cam and start creating videos, and ranking them with the right keywords. You will start getting traffic. You’ll start getting amazing results.

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